The many benefits of lifelong learning

change mindset women only Dec 27, 2020

From the time we’re children, we’re pushed to learn things. By adulthood, most people are somewhat relieved when the learning portion of their lives is over. The problem is, saying goodbye to learning isn’t a good idea.

There are so many benefits of lifelong learning, in fact, I would go as far as saying you can not be an effective leader without committing to it.

 What are some of those benefits?


Solutions Are Easier to Find

As a leader, this is key. A brain kept sharp through continuous learning is going to be better at finding solutions to problems, in part because of better cognitive function. Also, because there’s just more knowledge available to draw on to find a solution.

Be careful to not get caught in the trap of needing to find all the solutions however. Encourage your team to continue learning so they can also contribute to solution finding.


You Just Sound Smarter

When you constantly challenge yourself to find out new things, your conversation shows the effects. You’re more up on current events, and your ability to talk intelligently in social situations increases. Knowledge also raises your cred on social media, especially on sites such as LinkedIn, which is a great tool when looking for that role where you can make a difference.


You’re Better Prepared

Not sure what to do in a crisis? Spend time learning. By understanding the basics of first aid or how things are supposed to function in your workplace, you will be better able to handle an emergency.


Your Mind Sparks

Looking for an idea or new perspective? Perhaps you want to be more creative? You can easily enhance each of those areas through learning. Be curious about areas that are not related at all to where you normally have interest in. Learning about how nature works might just spark ideas for your next project or speech.

You Become a More Capable and Confident Employee

When you’re always learning in the workplace, you become more self-assured in your work, a feeling you’ll start carrying with you into other aspects of your life. It’s this attitude that gets you noticed, especially when the time comes for promotions.


It’s Good for Your Brain

Finally, perhaps one of the most important reasons for pursuing knowledge is that it’s good for your brain. Studies have shown a brain engaged and continuously challenged with new information is sharper, with better cognitive skills.

The benefits don’t stop there. Learning means your brain keeps growing, creating new neural pathways. Learning things has also been proven to help prevent Alzheimer’s and other effects of dementia.

It has even shown to reverse some of the impact of those issues as you age. No wonder it’s a good reason to keep learning as you grow older!


Lifelong learning is something to be pursued, not just because it’s ‘good for you’ like taking the proverbial vitamin pill. Chasing after learning can be both enlightening and fun and will serve you well throughout your entire life. With that in mind, it’s an easy decision to become a lifelong learner. Only through knowledge can you truly become your very best self.

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